How long do caps on baby teeth last?

It depends on what they are made of, how they were fixed, their position in the mouth and the care you give them. Severely decayed or fractured teeth are beyond the scope of repair by filling because of the risk of the filling falling out, breaking, or wearing out.

How long do caps on baby teeth last?

It depends on what they are made of, how they were fixed, their position in the mouth and the care you give them. Severely decayed or fractured teeth are beyond the scope of repair by filling because of the risk of the filling falling out, breaking, or wearing out. This results in additional dental procedures in the future. Crowns are much more durable than fillings and usually last until the baby tooth falls out.

A dental crown is a type of protective covering that is placed over a tooth, usually to restore it after tooth decay. When crowns are used on baby teeth, they are generally meant to help replace the function of a natural tooth until it is ready to fall out on its own. The terms “cap” and “crown” are interchangeable. This type of crown is very aesthetic when your child's pediatric dentist prepares it well.

Attaching these crowns requires tremendous skill. It also requires more time to complete. Due to the time required, these crowns can be difficult to fit on young children who do not cooperate. Sedation with general anesthesia is often recommended for a cosmetic crown procedure.

The strip crowns are made entirely of “white” composite filling material. This filling material looks very natural: a color guide can be used to match the color of the crown to the color of your child's natural teeth. The biggest consequence of composite strip crowns or resin crowns is that they tend to absorb food stains and discolor. It can also attract plaque if brushing and flossing are not done well and recurrent cavities can occur.

Resin crowns are also much weaker than stainless steel crowns, so there is a greater risk of a piece or corner of the crown breaking. Most major insurance covers composite strip crowns on front teeth only for baby teeth that require treatment. Dental crowns for children are usually completed in a single visit and will usually last until they are replaced by adult teeth.